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Support for those working in the Education Sector

  • Are you working in the education sector and looking for ways to more effectively manage the demands of your job and create a sustainable work life balance?

  • Are you a trainee teacher in university or within school, or on placement and finding yourself challenged by the multiple demands you are facing?

The challenges of teaching.

There are demands within any work situation, and ones which are particular to the teaching profession. As a teacher or education manager, you are used to being all things to all people: the pupils, wider school community, parents, colleagues, and so on. Your whole working day is centred around the learning, nurture and safety of your students. It can be a hugely rewarding and exciting job but also one that can come with a high personal cost. You can be so used to putting maximum effort into nurturing others that your own needs can, at times, be placed very much on the back-burner. Being dedicated to the nurture of the next generation is inspiring and a privilege. Sometimes however, you need to take some dedicated time to nurture yourself. As we are always reminded on an aeroplane, you need to put your own oxygen mask on first before being able to be of help to those around you. 


As someone who worked as a teacher for over twenty-five years, I have a first- hand understanding of the demands that teachers face and the huge workload. Sometimes, you can feel a little overwhelmed by it all and uncertain as to effective ways of handling the situation and maintaining or reigniting the sense of purpose and passion which brought us to the job in the first place. You can battle on, doing things in the way you have always done them, not stopping to examine them but feeling adrift. You instinctively know that you need to make changes but don’t know where to start.


Hypno-CBT® can help you find a way forward


Together, in a totally confidential and relaxed space, we will enable you to stop and explore the areas which are causing you difficulty and examine what is not working for you.


You will have the opportunity to take the time to stand back from what is currently not serving your needs and find new ways that will.

Through the use of CBT, you will develop a much firmer understanding of the close inter- relationship between your thoughts, feelings and behaviours You gain clarity on how you are currently managing your situation and explore what needs changing and how you can achieve this. We will identify SMART goals, put in place a plan to achieve them and we will use a problem-solving solution focussed approach to enable you to move forward. You will have the opportunity to deeply embed all the new changes you wish to instigate through Hypnotherapy. In its essence, Hypnotherapy involves total focused attention on what you wish to achieve. This is a very pleasant experience as your body and mind are deeply relaxed, all the work has been done and all you need to do is become totally immersed in the experience. In addition, we will explore mindfulness techniques to help you to live more fully in the present moment. By the end, you will have a toolkit of strategies and techniques to enable you manage your situation with much greater ease and to enjoy a better work life balance.


It is always possible to make change and giving ourselves the time and opportunity to allow this to happen can be the best act of self -care we can show ourselves.

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